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Need a car?

We're always looking for new projects to take on and would love to design a car for your kiddo!



We Build Cars for Kids Who:

- Live within the Greater Austin area 

- Are between the ages of 1 and 5 and weigh less than 66 lbs

- Have impeded mobility due to a disability or other medical incident that impacts their ability to stand, walk, support themselves, or control their limbs


Why These Specifications?

These are specifications, NOT requirements, please still feel free to reach out if you have differing circumstances, especially if you are willing to pay for the car. These specifications are in place to ensure that we are reaching the children who would most benefit from, and are the best fit for our cars.




If you live in the Austin area, you're in luck, just fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you about setting up a design session.


Not in Austin? No worries, Go Baby Go has chapters around the world. Visit their website to learn more.

Car Application
What is Your Relationship to the Child?

Thanks for submitting!

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